Injini ya uonyeshaji ya chati zilizoboreshwa hupunguza muda wa kupakia na huongeza muda wa matumizi ya betri hadi 25%.

Maoni halisi 2024

Maoni yako hutusaidia kuboresha mfumo wetu na kukupa uzoefu bora wa biashara unaolenga mahitaji yako. Tazama ukadiriaji na uchapishe mapendekezo yako mwenyewe. Tunashukuru kwa maoni yako!. Tazama ukadiriaji na uache mapendekezo yako mwenyewe. Tunashukuru kwa maoni yako!

Maoni ya Wateja

2022-06-11 06:01:11
Thanks for the bonuses! I'm back:)
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-09 13:46:22
Best Platform ever...
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-08 00:32:20
the best platform out hands down great broker low fees timely service that allows you to compound your account over time
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-07 16:53:02
It is very good platform between of All platforms :) i like +1
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-07 06:01:47
great broker
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-05 12:52:14
one of the top brokers , im a newbie so i need to practice alot to be abl to have profit, and demo account makes is much easier.
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-05 11:47:21
it is a good trading platform.
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-04 20:50:56
Solid, legit platform where you can compound your account with little money. Very attractive platform that also gifts you awards and ranking achievements. I'm not a big fan of copying trades but I like how they offer incentives for many actions. They also have a safe where you can earn higher interest than a savings account. Deposit...Win your trades w/ proper risk management, then put that money you deposited into a safe and trade with free money. Rinse and Repeat! I wish the charts were closer to Trading view by design by it's dope enough to manage. Please learn how to locate pattern using multiple time frame analysis and what candles are and what they mean before starting your demo and live. It's as easy to make money as it is to lose money. The game is not about getting rich more than it is about protection and compounding.
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-03 10:32:54
Yeah it's a good app for trading..
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili
2022-06-02 18:31:22
Good opportunity for monetization and credit. Thanks for the pocket option that has always been at its peak. Thanks
Maoni yanachapishwa bila mabadiliko yoyote kwa maandishi asili

Wasilisha ukaguzi waPocket Option

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