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Реальні відгуки 2024

Ваші відгуки допомагають нам вдосконалювати нашу платформу та надавати вам найкращий досвід торгівлі, адаптований до ваших потреб. Переглядайте рейтинги та залишайте свої пропозиції. Ми цінуємо ваші відгуки!. Переглядайте рейтинги та залишайте свої пропозиції. Ми цінуємо ваші відгуки!

Відгуки клієнтів

2021-08-07 02:20:58
Excellent place to trade but app and website needs maintenance. The website sometimes laggy when you try to enter in a trade and the app is unscaled when you put in a trade for however long the duration the app registers your trade a second sooner than what time duration was for or it will say you won a trade and take back the funds when close the app and reopen it. Otherwise excellent app overall. -Raiku
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2021-08-06 22:11:16
The best binary trading platform in the world
відгуки публікуються без змін оригінального тексту
2021-08-04 13:22:53
very nice and friendly platform that i found since i started trading. this is the best platform, you know im new user to this platform , but since i found this friend user trading platform , i invited all my friend and now we are almost 200 newbies here now, and i continously invite more here in the philippines to use this trading flatform. my goal is around 15thousand filipino to join and use this pplatform.i love it
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2021-08-02 17:05:17
wouldnt change broker platforms i have used others but po is the most consistent
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2021-08-02 00:38:26
Best Broker I use is PO
відгуки публікуються без змін оригінального тексту
2021-07-30 03:40:41
Been Using PO for a little over a year now. And i love it. It's Binary options made easy for anyone at any trading level.
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2021-07-29 00:53:11
I love pocketoptions however, I wish you could have a rollover tool and this platform would probably be there best to trade on also add in the option to trade more then 1000 at a time
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2021-07-28 03:44:44
I have experience the low and high of pocket option and to be honest I have consider switching many times. I do feel is the best platform; nonetheless they lack on somethings like the ability to interact with the chart-- not just lines and trend lines but the ability to draw on the graph would be amazing-- also if they were to implement the ROLLOVER feature this platform would be the BEST of them all PERIOD.
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2021-07-27 23:55:33
відгуки публікуються без змін оригінального тексту
2021-07-22 20:55:10
great platform
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